I think the villains deserve a chance to shine. After all, they’re the ones who keep things interesting, aren’t they? What fun would the heroes be if they didn’t have anyone to challenge them?

A: All for One

In addition to his stolen quirks, All for One’s abilities include: enhanced strength, speed, and durability; enhanced senses; and genius level intellect.

B: Briar, Yuri

C: Catman

D: Dracula

E: Elektra

Villains are so much fun, aren’t they? Personally, I think it’s even more important for the baddy to be interesting, fleshed out, detailed than it is the hero. More mayhem next time on A–Z. Look out, Twilight. Blake eventually turned in the suit and returned to Africa to live with a pride of lions. When those lions were slaughtered, Blake decided to avenge them by becoming a mercenary (despite his whole thing having been sport hunting large cats) and joined the Secret Six (a sort of villainous Justice League that becomes a very weird little family. King Shark does a musical number…stuff like that) to make the whole tit for tat thing easier. After the poachers were caught, he decided to stay with the team and has been with them on and off since. Catman is an expert in hand to hand combat, is skilled with blades, and has above average intelligence. He also has a Catmobile and an anger management problem. A werewolf interrupts dinner! Rosalee takes apples into town and disaster ensues! I am laughing so hard right now. She met Matt Murdock when her father was Greek ambassador to the United States and they were both studying at Columbia; fellow thrill seekers Matt and Elektra quickly forged a bond based on adrenaline and sex. After tangling with the Hand, who assassinated her father, Elektra fled her connections, including Matt, and became a bounty hunter and mercenary. She and Matt reconnected when she returned to New York for a job, but found themselves at odds when she agreed to work for the Kingpin. A brief team up to capture Bullseye, who was out of control due to a brain tumor, turned tragic when he murdered Elektra (I bet it was super cold in that fridge). As I am sure you are aware, it didn’t take. Purged of the Hand’s influence by her resurrection, Elektra went solo, making friends with Wolverine, opening a dojo, joining a dance company (?), and generally faffing around. She helped Doctor Strange knock someone off so he could be resurrected in a new body, freelanced for S.H.I.E.L.D., fought some Super Skrulls, joined Heroes for Hire, joined the Thunderbolts (with Deadpool, the Punisher, and Agent Venom—now that’s a team for you). At the moment, Elektra tends to pop up occasionally in other people’s books, her ends justifying her means.

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