If you’re reading this newsletter, I’ve just been buried alive under probably a veritable mountain of snow, and am probably somewhere between “dig, dig for your life” and a one-woman, three-act theatrical performance of Stephen King’s Misery. Ah, the New England life. Actually, what I probably spent my Saturday storm day doing was reading. Big ol’ Nor’easters aren’t really good for much except laying low and staying out of the snow. The best thing to do when they start throwing out storm warnings is grab a warm blanket, a hot drink, and a good book. So whether you also got snowed in this weekend, or if you’re just in need of a bit of lazy day comfort, why not lean into the sprit with a bit of cozy horror!

Cozy Up With a Good Scare - 76Cozy Up With a Good Scare - 23Cozy Up With a Good Scare - 87Cozy Up With a Good Scare - 66Cozy Up With a Good Scare - 63