Time travel: probably not the first thing you think of when you think historical fiction. Yet time travel in fiction interacts with historical settings in ways we might otherwise think of as historical fiction. When it comes to the mechanisms of making that happen, I think it’s safe to say that time travel resides pretty solidly in the world of speculative fiction. And I guess we could call it case closed there. But where would be the fun in that? In reality, I think the categorization depends on the focus of the story. A novel primarily focused on time travel in action, like The Future of Another Timeline, is science fiction. A book like Outlander, on the other hand, where time travel is just a plot device, definitely reads more like historical fiction. And yes, these are the sorts of weird things I think about as a general book nerd and editor for Book Riot. Maybe this is all really obvious, but when you start talking about blending genres, figuring out how to categorize books does get a bit more complicated. It’s easy enough to say that a book is both historical fiction and speculative fiction–in fact both alternate history and historical fantasy are popular subgenres that combine the two–but can you even call a book that has speculative elements historical? My two cents: yes. Even a book with some brief speculative elements can be considered historical fiction. That’s why time travel books where the main focus of the story is on characters living out of time rather than the mechanism of time travel read so much like historical fiction. Because they essentially are. Is all of this parsing hairs? Yes, of course, and thank you for coming along on the ride. But I’ve been thinking about this a good bit because I felt for a while that I shouldn’t include books with speculative elements at all in this newsletter. And that would’ve been a shame because time traveling historical fiction provides a really unique point of view to explore historical settings since the protagonists, like us, has more modern sensibilities and knowledge. And these three historical fiction books are all great examples of that, using time travel as a means of bringing a modern (or relatively modern) character to a different time.


The 20 best time travel books.

The lack of Black characters in time travel romance.

Alternate timeline books. Time Traveling Books  Historical Fiction or Speculative Fiction  - 69Time Traveling Books  Historical Fiction or Speculative Fiction  - 72Time Traveling Books  Historical Fiction or Speculative Fiction  - 5